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Memorial Day Wreath Laying Ceremony 2023

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Paris Peace Accords with a Special Tribute to SP4 John Wesley Dahr

Held at the Veterans Memorial Gold Star Healing and Peace Garden, the program began with a musical prelude by the New Song Community Choir - Directed by Dr. Deryl Lutz. We were welcomed by Terry Gendron, Director of York County Veterans Affairs. The program included the Posting of National Colors, National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance. OOD: Leroy Cook, Rifle Commander, First Capital Detachment, MCL and the William Penn Army JROTC Color Guard. The Invocation was given by the Honorable Reverend Magisterial District Judge Adrian Boxley. Our Keynote Speaker was 1SG (USA-Ret) Harold E. Redding.

The York County Wreath Laying Ceremony was introduced by President Commissioner Julie Wheeler, Special Wreath Laying Parties included Mr. Peter Dahr and Ms. Melody Wagner - Siblings of SP4 Dahr, Pennsylvania State Representative Dawn Keefer, President Commissioner Julie Wheeler, 1SG (USA-Ret) Harold E. Redding, Veterans Memorial Gold Star Healing and Peace Garden founder Cher Kondor, York City Council President Sandie Walker, William Fallon on behalf of the York County Veterans Outreach, Also in attendance, York County Commissioner Doug Hoke. Closing Remarks by Terry Gendron and Benediction by the Honorable Rev. Magisterial District Judge Adrian Boxley. The ceremony concluded with a Retiring of the Colors, Rifle Salute, Taps and God Bless America from OOD: Leroy Cook, Rifle Commander, First Capitol Detachment, MCL, William Penn Army JROTC Color Guard, York County Veterans Honor Guard, Bugler Wes Snyder and the New Song Community Choir - Directed by Dr. Deryl Lutz.

Special Thanks To

New Song Community Choir

Veterans Memorial Gold Star Healing and Peace Garden

Photo Credit: Cassandra Storm on behalf of the York County Veterans Outreach


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